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What is Semi Permanent Makeup?


Permanent makeup, semi permanent makeup, cosmetic tattooing, and micropigmentation are all names for the same thing, which is implementing pigment into the papillary layer of the dermis. 


Semi permanent makeup is a general term that implies a number of different procedures that result in permanent markings on the face that look like a specific makeup product was applied. The prefix semi stands for the short term effects of these permanent makeup treatments that usually last for a couple of years (1-3), depending on the procedure. Since they are not completely permanent, the treatments are described as semi permanent instead.



How Long Does Semi-permanent Makeup Last?

Cosmetic tattooing is designed to fade over time. Factors such as skin type, lifestyle, age, metabolism, medications, and pigment color all affect the longevity of the tattoo. Sun and some kinds of lighting (tanning beds) can affect the rate at which these pigments are broken down. In most cases, it will last about 2-3 years for desired look, and 3-5 years till it totally disappear.


*Please note that final results vary and cannot be guaranteed to to the nature of skin as it heals. A follow-up appointment is recommended at 5-10 weeks where we can assess your pigment retention and make any changes necessary.



Do Semi-permanen Cosmetics Hurt?


Topical 5% lidocaine is used to make you comfortable during your semi-permanent cosmetic procedure. However, pain tolerance varied from client to client. Having the procedure during your menstrual cycle may increase your sensitivity. In most cases, people can tolerate the procedure without any problem.



Who Is Not Suitable for Semi Permanent Makeup?


You can't receive semi permanent makeup if you are:

  • Pregnant/breastfeeding.

  • Are currently using Accutane or have used Accutane within the past year.

  • Have freshly tanned/sunburned face.

  • Are on blood thinning medications or antibiotics.

  • Have Rosacea.

  • Are currently undergoing cancer/chemo treatments.(must be off chemo or radiation for at least 6 months)



How Should I Prepare for My Appointment?


  • You should not take any medications that may thin your blood (i.e. Aspirin, Ibuprofen) 72 hours before or immediately after your procedure.

  • Do not drink alcohol within 24 hours of your procedure

  • If you tint your brows you will want to do so 72 hours before your appointment.

  • You must NOT use Retin-A near the brow area for 2 weeks before or after the procedure.

  • You will need to avoid excessive sweating, pools, lakes, salt water, and extreme sun exposure in the next 7 days, so plan your vacations accordingly!

  • No Botox, fillers, microdermabrasion, chemical peels or anything of the like for at least 2 weeks before and after your procedure.

  • If you have reference pictures please feel free to bring these to your appointment along with the pencil or powder you are currently using.



What Does the First Treatment Include?


It includes consultations with the PMU artist, where you choose shape and style you like. The next step is deciding on a suitable pigment, followed by the procedure itself. The treatment lasts 2-3 hours including numbing time. It is usually not painful, just a little bit uncomfortable.​​


What Happens After the Treatment?


You might not like your eyebrows or lips immediately after the first procedure. It takes some time for the swelling to disappear. Also, your brows might appear too dark at first. That is why you need to go through the healing period. Healing period requires thorough aftercare.


You will also be given instructions to follow in order to get better results. Your eyebrows/lips/eyeliner will start to fade and scabs will also appear. You should strictly avoid removing scabs on your own or touching them. In addition, avoid washing the area, swimming pools, as well as the exposure to the sun.



When and Why Do I Need the First Touch Up?


After the healing period is finished, you will need a touch up. It is usually required 4-6 weeks after the initial procedure. You shouldn’t ask for it before the 4-week-period ends because the pigment color has not been settled yet. Give your skin time to heal properly.


You might notice that your brows have faded, eyeliners look lighter and thinner, or lip color is uneven. If so, you will need another treatment in order to get the best results. Don’t think touch up as something optional. Think of it as a second part of the complete treatment, something obligatory. Without it, the first procedure might be a waste of money.


Touch up procedure is shorter than the initial procedure, because its purpose is to correct irregularities that appeared in the meantime. A touch up is a repetition of the initial procedure but only on the areas that need to be filled in.  It is vital to have the first touch up because only the combination of the procedure itself and the touch up will provide a satisfying outcome.



Do I Need More Touch Ups?


If you want your semi-pernament makeup to last longer, you should schedule an appointment every 1-2 year. Those treatments will refresh your eyebrows/lips/eyeliner and postpone fading. Basically, it is advisable to schedule a touch up appointment as soon as you notice your brows are starting to fade. If you are satisfied with the current shape, you will just need to add more color. In case you are not, you can ask for reshaping your brows.



Does the Success of the Treatment Depend on My Skin Type?


People with oily skin might notice that their microbladed brows are not dark enough and that the color fades too quickly. That is why they are advised to have microblading touch ups more often in order to prevent fading. On the other hand, people with dry skin should not have difficulties with the final outcome since the treatment on the dry skin gives the best results.

Besides your skin type, the speed of fading depends on the cosmetic products you use, as well as your lifestyle and habits. For example, if you go swimming a lot or you spend a lot of time in the sun, your brows will normally fade faster.





Non - Invasive Color Removal

How Often Can I Have a Color Removal Session? How Many Sessions Are Typically Needed?


​After each color removal session, the skin needs time to heal, so there should be a gap of around 28 days between sessions. Our goal is to help clients reach a point where they can have new brows done. Usually, after two or more sessions, the brows will return to a natural state. After the final color removal session, you can get new brows as soon as 28 days later.



When can I have Medical and Skincare Treatment/Surgery Before and After the Color Removal?


One Week Before Color Removal: 

- Avoid scheduling eye laser treatments, facial beauty treatments, and medical aesthetic procedures such as wrinkle removal, Botox, hyaluronic acid fillers, lasers, and radiofrequency should be avoided.

- Stop using home acid-based skincare products.

- It is advisable to wait at least three days after the color removal before proceeding with any of these treatments.

- Use face masks to enhance facial hydration and try to get extra rest to help stabilize the skin.


For Facial Surgeries:

- If you need to undergo surgeries such as eyelid surgery or facelift, please schedule them one to two months in advance.

- For brow lift surgery, plan for at least six months to a year in advance.

- For major body surgeries like liposuction or breast augmentation, schedule at least one month in advance.


The simplest approach is to plan any such procedures three days after your color removal session.


How to Take Care of Your Skin Before and After Color Removal?


**Before the Procedure:**

- Ensure adequate sleep for at least one week prior to the procedure.

- Avoid hair removal in the brow area for one week before.

- Limit sun exposure and avoid prolonged sunbathing for one week before.

- Refrain from undergoing exfoliation or laser treatments for one week before.

- Enhance facial hydration by applying masks regularly and taking care of the brow area.


**After the Procedure:**

- Apply an ice pack for at least 30 minutes on the day of the procedure.

- You can get your brows wet on the day of the procedure.

- You can apply makeup as usual the day after the procedure.

- Avoid using whitening or acidic products around the brows for one week.

- Focus on moisturizing and avoid too much sun exposure.

- After one week, please send me a photo of the healed area for review and assessment.


Will the Color Removal Process Be Painful? Will There Be Any Bleeding?


Pain sensitivity varies from person to person, but most clients find the process quite tolerable, with many able to lie down and even fall asleep during the procedure. There won't be any bleeding during the whole procedure. 


How long is the Recovery Period?


With this new color removal technique, there is no awkward recovery period. You can apply makeup as soon as the day after the procedure.


How Soon Can I Get New Brows After Color Removal?


You can get new brows approximately 28 days after the color removal, once the skin has completed its regeneration cycle.


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